Want to strengthen your health & fitness goals?


If Yes, then one thing you can do is build a workout plan blending it with the daily life activities that help you improve your overall fitness.

Finding the time to work out or to learn a new exercise regimen can be a challenging task. A study uncovered that almost 75% of people who set keeping fit as their New Year's resolution tend to quit before they see results.

The main reason why people cannot follow through & accomplish is that they get discouraged because they're doing it all alone. People often lack the support network necessary to achieve this important goal. Performing the exercises with someone’s help can increase the rate of success.

Get a buddy to go to the gym with you or convince a friend to start a new weight-loss or weight-gain program with you. Also remember, we are always here for you.

We highlight 25 of the best health & fitness tips that you can rely on in 2020. These tips have been very carefully curated to provide you with the best knowledge about fitness & health as you go on a journey towards better health.

The tips listed here provide information from real & quality sources, meaning people who are genuinely engaged in the health & fitness industry.

What's more, most of the sites provide the information you need for capital. Here you will not be charged for the information you need. We know that spending a hefty sum to read about fitness tips or being forced to buy lavish equipment also prevents you from sticking to your fitness goals. So you can look at our extensive collection of various gym equipment on our website

Let's get to them…

  • Make sure you're eating healthy
  • Ask any fitness trainer & they'll suggest that regardless of your training goals, clean & nutritious eating is the backbone of your fitness goals. Food is what feeds your body to reach your goals, & without proper diet through quality foods, you're likely to stall. Maintain a balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, & healthy fats like fish oils & flaxseeds.

  • Prepare ahead
  • Cooking meals in advance outfits you with the best chance to achieve your nutrition goals, says Micah LaCerte (a private trainer & fitness competition world champion). That way, he states, you won't sense the need to eat unhealthy foods or skip meals.

  • Eat more clean food
  • Eating only three daily meals? Not a great idea. “Almost half the people I deal with aren’t dropping weight because they don’t eat enough,” says veteran private trainer Mike Duffy. 

    Duffy directs his clients “to eat 5 times a day, about every 3 hours, to stimulate their metabolism,” including two mini-meals between 3 basic meals. With activity levels declining throughout the day, he recommends to “eat less as the day goes on.”

  • Control your portion sizes
  • Paying attention to portions is extremely important; you’ll be eating more often, so. “Make sure chicken breasts, (&) meats, are no larger than your palm, & that pasta is no bigger than your fists,” says Jay Cardiello, a private trainer to countless celebrities & professional athletes. He further suggests use “smaller bowls, plates, & cups” because analyses show people tend to “serve themselves 20 to 40% more food when they’re utilizing larger plates.”

  • Eat with purpose
  • Everything you consume should have substantial nutritional value. “You want the most nutritional bang for your buck,” says Dan Trink, C.S.C.S., a strength coach & trainer. “Everything you eat should fuel your workouts, serve some nutritional purpose in your body, & (be) geared toward optimizing your body.”

  • Understand the basics of building muscle
  • Talk to any personal trainer, & they’ll tell you there are absolute muscle-building basics. 

    First, increase your caloric & total protein intake, so your body has enough building blocks to get bigger. Then, when you enter the gym, focus on your way of exercise routines. Perform compound movements & train with weights on average around four times a week. 

    Never underestimate the importance of rest. Remember, tissues of the muscles grow outside of the gym when you’re giving your body time to rest & recover following your workouts.

  • Work your full range of motion
  • Don’t take any shortcuts. “Go for the most extensive range of motion you can achieve in your exercises,” says Lee Boyce, C.P.T. 

    “Your muscles will perform extra work per rep, & this will result in breaking down the larger amount of tissue by the end of the conditioning.”

  • Don’t go too heavy
  • Wondering how to get the most out of lifting weights? “Practice a weight that will have you breaking on the set between the 30 & 40-second mark,” Duffy says. Time under tension provokes the muscle to grow. “If you’re breaking at 20 seconds, you know that weight was too heavy.”

  • Carefully consider cardio
  • If gaining big is your goal, then throttle back on your cardio workouts, says LaCerte—possibilities are, you’ll be burning far too many calories.

    So what should you actually do if you still want to get in some cardio? LaCerte says, “a scanty walk/jog a few days per week for 20 minutes is adequate.” If you’re aiming to burn fat, of course, then concentrate on getting enough protein each day (usually 1 gram of protein/pound of ideal body weight), while still keeping your overall caloric intake low.

  • Choose supplements intelligently
  • Many trainers & lifters believe supplements play a very crucial role in boosting your muscle gains. If you support that theory, possibly, you’re already using protein supplements—but what else? Creatine, undoubtedly, “resembles to be about the most efficient strength- & size-building supplement,” Trink says. To heighten your performance, you may also want to try peppermint. Cardiello reveals that the scent “alters the perspicacity of how hard you’re working out,” making it seem “less difficult, slower-paced, & gently to complete.”

  • Prepare yourself for endurance training
  • When it comes to training for endurance, you’ll need to be hydrated & be sure you’re eating correctly because, by its very nature, this form of exercise is very demanding for your body. It would be best if you are doing the right mix of cardio & weight training. You should include high-intensity training or HIIT to strengthen your aerobic capacity. You’ll possibly be sweating buckets & burning calories galore, so be prepared.

  • Heart rate monitor
  • If you already own a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker, then this is an excellent time to start using it. If not, you may want to either go out & buy one or learn how to do it yourself. “Don’t just exercise for a set amount of time & call it quits,” Duffy says. “You require to bring the heat, power & intensity with it, & a fitness tracker can help you get a sense of exactly how fast your heart is working.”

  • Exhaust for endurance
  • To advance your endurance training, you need to put in the cumulative effort. “You’re going for muscle exhaustion, so master to fully exhaust the muscles,” Boyce says. 

    How can you achieve that? Boyce recommends that you “get good at the bodyweight staples—pullups, chin-ups, pushups, inverted rows, (&) squats. If you can master these movements for high reps, your muscles will get well-conditioned.”


  • Consider reducing rest time

    It's always fascinating to take a break when training, but LaCerte warns that you should "stick with rest intervals of 30 to 45 sec, between sets because this will help improve your overall endurance. If you are performing strength training, lift moderate to heavyweight & keep your repetitions range between 8–15 reps. If you're running, maintain a mix low-intensity, steady-state cardio followed up by sprinting."

  • Learn how to fight fatigue
  • Undoubtedly exhaustion may be one of your biggest rivals during your endurance training. But there exist some techniques to combat it. First, drink beet juice, which is stuffed with healthy nitrates that can advance your cardiovascular functioning. “Beets can enhance stamina by up to 16%, & it helps your muscles produce more energy, more efficiently, making training less exhausting,” Boyce says. 

    Another way to raise your performance level is by correctly selecting your music. According to a study, “When people listen to their favorable music, their blood vessels grow up to 26%,” Boyce says.

  • Understand strength-training basics
  • If you really want to build strength, you must set goals & be patient. As you’re beginning, it’s essential to be consistent & stick with your plan. Also, try not to get bewildered when you’re in the gym.

    Stay focused on the task at hand. When you leave the gym, make sure you get proper rest & keep track of your progress. If you stay determined, your goals can be accomplished in a fancied way.

  • Find your motivation
  • Motivation is key. Some unique approaches to stay motivated while you’re working out: Countdown, not up when performing reps. Following trick: “Start focusing on your masterful hand while you’re pushing up,” Cardiello unveils—it “automatically fuses a positive reinforcement” because the dominant hand more easily & quickly moves the weight.

  • Carefully focus on form
  • When strength training, you’ll be putting your body through very strenuous activity, so it’s essential to maintain the proper way. By continuing the adequate way, “you’re guaranteed to activate the muscle groups that you are looking to train &, most important, you’ll stay healthy & injury-free,” Trink says. “The guy who can stay healthiest can train the most, &, in the long run, make the most progress.”

  • Be mindful of the little things
  • Ever noticed how a bunch of seemingly insignificant things can make all the difference? Strength training is no different. When you’re power/strength training, you must “pay attention to every little thing, because you’re only as strong as your weakest link,” Boyce says. “If you notice a deficiency, address it in conjunction with your program.”

  • Change helps
  • If you really want to make growth, sometimes you have to change things up. “Ensure you never get adapted to what’s arriving next,” LaCerte describes. Once that happens, you may notice a decline in the strength gain results. To dodge such possibilities, “switch up how heavy you’re lifting, your rep/set count, your tempo of an exercise, or what time of the day you’re lifting,” he says.

  • Understand the basics of fat loss
  • Forget about calorie counting, & start thinking of food as fuel for your body. Acquiring six-pack abs is ordinarily a function of fat loss, not a lack of muscle definition—& burning fat all boils down to a simple equation: Calories in versus calories burned. That simply means going beyond calories & examining your macronutrient consumption—fats, protein, & carbs—to realize how much you consume relative to how much you burn during a workout.

  • Take photographic evidence
  • You may be gaining muscle & shedding body fat—& that means your net weight change will seem “stuck,” even though you’re making progress. “Take pictures every week—front, back, (&) side pictures all from the same angle, same lighting, same clothing.” That way, you’ll see change over time, even though it may not look like it day to day.

  • Understand how to use carbs
  • Repeat it with us: Carbs are not the rival. Unless you’re on a comprehensive nutrition plan like the keto diet, carbs are an essential source of your body’s energy. That said, you need to be mindful about how you consume those carbs, because eating too many carbs—or eating carbs at the wrong times—can cause your body to store the excess energy as fat. Here’s how to eat carbs for more muscle and less fat.

  • Attack your lower body to burn fat
  • To deflate your belly, “go below your belly button,” Cardiello says. “In a Syracuse University research, people actually  burned more calories the day after they performed a lower-body resistance training exercise than after they exercised their upper bodies, simply because legs have more mass.”

  • Hydrate properly
  • An often-overlooked portion, & one emphasized by Trink, is to make "sure that your GI tract is healthful because that's how you digest all your nutrients." Do so by absorbing vitamins, fiber, minerals, a probiotic, & water. Cardiello recommends you should drink "ice-cold water first thing in the morning," continuing "you'll easily increase your metabolism by up to 24% for 90 minutes." LaCerte advises you "drink at least one gallon of water per day."


    We hope these 25 health & wellness tips will be useful to you, fun to read. You surely will share these pointers with your friends & family when they begin their fitness journeys. No matter where you are on your 2019 fitness journey, it never hurts to have an online gym community like Apollo Fitness around you--& now you've got 25 pieces of advice, to begin with!

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